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Discover opportunities and develop strategies that help our clients to make better business decisions

Mexico City Focus provides customized, high quality market research field services to a wide variety of clients. We are close to a variety of demographic groups to meet every recruiting need.

We are insightful, creative marketing researchers who provide unique solutions. We think differently, bringing new insights from the clues within the information found through marketing research, to guide our clients to a strategy they may not have previously considered.

We provide unique marketing solutions that our clients can act on in confidence, and look forward to achieving positive marketplace results.

Goldfarb Consultants / Mexico City Focus uncovers, through marketing research, information, insights and implications for business issues and opportunities by understanding attitudes, behaviors and economic, corporate and cultural drivers.

The Focus Network has proven expertise in providing successful market research solutions with effective recruiting, full-service client support, and a guarantee of confidentiality. The Focus Network understands each client´s specific needs, attend to details, and delivers reliable, highest-quality services.


We offer a full range of services, including:

  • Consumer / professional / medical / child recruiting (variety of industries)
  • Focus groups
  • Simultaneous translation in any language
  • One on one interviews
  • Online panel studies
  • In-store or location projects
  • Intercept interviews
  • Mystery Shopper
Providing a comprehensive range of market research services, the Focus Network can serve you both locally and worldwide.


Entre las principales herramientas cualitativas se encuentran:

  • Focus Groups
  • Online Focus groups
  • Mini-groups dyads, triads
  • One on one interviews
  • Laddering
  • Storytelling
  • Ethnographies


Main quantitative methodologies:

  • Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing – CAPI
  • Online panel – Web interviews
  • On-Line Mobile Surveys
  • Telephone Interviews – CATI


Some exclusive methodologies are:

  • Goldfarb Advanced Product Evaluation Clinic™ – New product launching evaluation
  • Goldfarb Brand DNA™ – Branding assessment
  • Goldfarb Elasticity Model (GEM)™ – How strong is your brand?
  • Goldfarb Cipher™ – Attitude is not always behavior
  • Goldfarb Brands cape™ – Competitive market understanding
  • Goldfarb Loyalty Model™ – Satisfaction is not equal to loyalty
  • Goldfarb Pulse™ – Direct voice of customer contact
  • Goldfarb Optics™ – Focus groups sometimes are not enough
  • Goldfarb Pricing Model™ – Perfect pricing point, more income
  • Goldfarb Strategic Resource Allocation Model™ – Get more impact in your market
  • Goldfarb Internet Panel™ – Innovative and unique
  • Goldfarb Focus Net™ – Maximize digital media presence
  • Goldfarb Advanced Product Evaluation Clinic™ – Ensure a positive reaction in your market


Mystery Shopper México is division of Goldfarb Consultants founded in 1998, specialized in the Mystery Shopper methodology and a regional leader in this type of studie

Mystery Shopper México has systems and processes to apply the methodology with the highest Quality standards and supervision combined with a strong expertise and coverage.
  • 100% Nationwide coverage
  • Different market segments and industries
  • Personal, telephone and online processes
  • Quality certification – High quality standards for shoppers, information analysis and reports
  • Online interactive reports